The real secret to enjoying India is learning to be in harmony with the way things function here. In order to accomplish this, you need to respect the culture, to relax and be flexible with your plans, and you need to be aware of what is going on around you as much as possible, including what happens behind the scenes. The more you can attune yourself to India, and the more you can learn to take everything as it comes, the more you will enjoy it. Indians are friendly, warm-hearted people, and getting to know them is a great delight.
If you are coming only to see the Taj Mahal, ride on a camel, and visit all the wonders you have been told about and nothing more, you will miss seeing India. As it has been so well said, "The traveler sees what he sees. The tourist sees what he has come to see."2' The more you open your heart to the people you meet and your mind to their ways of thinking and living, the more India will open itself to you. Ultimately, it's mostly up to you whether you have a good time or not. Your attitude makes all the difference.

India is the land of all possibilities, the land where every day will bring you sights and sounds, smells and tastes that you have never before experienced or even imagined. May you enjoy it to the fullest!
For more information on travel to India contact Swan Tours one of the leading travel agents in India.