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Tourist Information On The Grasslands Of Kutch In Gujarat

THE GRASSLANDS OF KUTCH is one of the important tourist area while on Gujarat Tour Packages ,The open country of the Banni grasslands is a key habitat of the Indian wolf, providing broken scrub and grasslands in which suitable cover and denning sites are available for this threatened species.

The scrubby grasslands of Banni, Naliya and Narayan Sarovar comprise an important habitat for Indian wolf, Indian gazelle (chinkara), striped hyena, Asiatic wild cats, spiny-tailed lizard and endangered birds like the great Indian bustard, lesser florican, sociable lapwing, white-rumped vulture and long-billed vulture. Birdwatchers are likely to see specialities like the grey hypocolius and the white-naped tit in Kutch district, while the Chhari Dand and other wetlands in the Banni grassland area provide foraging and roosting grounds for large flocks of flamingos, pelicans, cranes and other birds.

The grasslands near Naliya are among the most important areas for the endangered great Indian bustard. The Lala Bustard Sanctuary, also called Kutch Great Indian Bustard Sanctuary, has been designated to protect endangered birds and mammals that frequent these grasslands.

Visitors guide:

Transport hubs (Approxmimate distances):

Bhuj 80km (fulay)


Centre for desert and ocean (CEDO) offers accommodations and tours of banni. There are resorts near Nakhatrana and Bhuj.

When to visit:

Large flock of birds can be seen at Banni during the winter months between October and March.

During years of good rainfall, Chhari Dhand become the wintering ground for huge flocks of waterfowl.

The desert cat, also called Asiatic steppe wildcat, inhabits the Banni grasslands and Rann of Kutch.

The cream-coloured courser is a winter visitors to the Banni area.

For more information on Holiday packages in India , contact - Swan Tours , one of the leading Travel Agents in Connaught Place , New Delhi.


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